
You can`t take the sky from me.



NO.1 S4E10 Midnight By.RTD


NO.2 S1E1 Rose By.RTD


真正戳到我的是第15分钟附近,Rose问Doctor到底是谁,九叔回头跟她讲,"Do you know that what we say about the earth revolving? It`s like when you are a kid, the first time they told you the world is turning, and you just can`t quite believing cause everything looks like it`s standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the earth, the ground beneath our feet spend it 1000 miles an hour, the entire planet turns around the sun 67000 miles an hour. And I can feel it. We falling through space, you and me. Climbing to the tiny little world, if we let go...that`s who I am. Now, forget me, Rose Tyler, go home."

NO.3 S2E4 The Girl in the Fireplace By.SM

在看过了Moffat在后面两季多把the girl who waited这个梗用到烂之后我本来以为这集已经不能再打动我,但刚刚又看一遍依旧哭到脱力……就这样吧。

NO.4 S3E13 The Last of the Time Lord By.RTD

我知道DW每季的最终集都是最叫人拍案叫绝又感慨万千的,每到最终集我都肯定会哭得一塌糊涂(当然其实不是最终集的时候大概也差不多……),但这集是唯一一个被我选进我的TOP10的最终集。我知道,相比于第一季结尾Bad Wolf的Shock,第四季结尾所有人的大联欢,和第二季结尾那句"I burned a sun to say goodbye",这集可能并不算什么,但如果一定要让我把我的TOP10排序的话,我猜我会把它排在第一。也许因为这是唯一一集真正意义上的everyone saves the world,也许因为我太喜欢这个独自一人用一整年走遍全世界来告诉人们doctor的存在的Martha,谁知道呢。

NO.5 S4E11 Turn Left By.RTD

一个小小的选择,一切都变得不再一样,you`re special, you`re the most important person in the whole universe. 不,这些都不是最打动我的地方。其实我印象最深的一个镜头,是Rose和Donna坐在长椅上,抬头看着天空,然后上面一片火焰燃过,Rose告诉Donna,那是torchwood,他们依旧为了拯救这个没有doctor的世界而献出了生命。

NO.6 2009 Christmas Special The Next Doctor By.RTD

Bravo, sir! Bravo, Doctor! Yeah, I just want to say "Thank you"!

NO.7 S5E2 The Beast Below By.SM


NO.8 S5E10 Vincent&The Doctor By.Richard Curtis

这段话为我解释了一切,而且,最好的是,它还留给了我希望,there`s always something brighter than sunflowers.

NO.9 2011 Christmas Special The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe By.SM

You are the star that guide me home.以及我喜欢women means strong, as men means weak这个概念。

NO.10 S7E3 A Town Called Mercy By. Toby Whithouse


